Procedures and Mechanisms
AGFUND applies a 7 Steps Mechanism to manage Prince Talal Prize, as follows:
Selection of the annual theme
Based on its decision to align the subjects of Prince Talal Prize with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, the Prize Committee selects, in its annual meeting, one of the 17 SDGs as subject for the Prize.
Call for submission of nominations
- AGFUND posts the announcement of the subject on its website, fixes the deadline and calls for submission of nominations.
- The nomination is open to all countries worldwide without any discrimination.
AGFUND disseminates announcements and press release through;
- Social media.
- Local and international media.
- Mailing lists of the previous winners.
- Mailing lists of collaborating experts (evaluators).
- Websites of the collaborating developments organizations…etc.
Sends direct invitation for submission of nominations:
- Preparing the invitation package (Letter of invitation, Nomination Form, Prize subjects’ flier, Prize pamphlet, AGFUND in brief).
- Sending the invitation to development actors through mailing list (mail and email).
- Searching the internet for the organizations concerned with the Prize subject and invite them.
Screening the nominations
- As soon as the nominations reaches the deadline, A team within AGFUND starts to classify the nominations according to the prize categories.
- The team then screens the nominations according to the prize criteria (using specific form) to identify the eligible projects.
Evaluation of nominations
- AGFUND invites development organizations, previous evaluators, Prizewinners to nominate experts specialized in the subject launched for the prize to undertake the evaluation process.
- Contacts the nominated experts to confirm their availability for evaluation and participation in the Prize committee Meeting by filling out a specific form on AGFUND website.
- AGFUND internally evaluates the submitted CVs using an internal evaluation form to prepare a shortlist of the best candidates.
- Sends the CVs of the shortlisted experts to the Prize Committee Members to rank them.
- AGFUND selects the best three experts as ranked by the Prize Committee.
- Prepares the projects documents and sends them to the selected evaluators.
- AGFUND then sends the documents of eligible projects to be evaluated unanimously and individually by the selected experts according to a set of criteria.
- The evaluation process takes from one to two months.
The Prize Committee Meeting (selection of winners and prize subject)
- Fixing the date of the meeting in coordination with the Committee Members.
- Inviting the evaluators to participate in the Committee Meeting.
- AGFUND receives the evaluators reports and prepares the documents of the Committee Meeting (Final Report, Power Point and the documents of the top five projects in each category).
- To process the evaluation results, AGFUND adopts a specific approach using both Ranking & Scoring.
- This approach depends on the calculation of grades awarded to each project by each of the three experts (Scoring), and in the same time depends on the experts ranking of projects (Ranking) to avoid the problem of the disparity in awarding grades between experts. This ensures reasonable and realistic result.
- AGFUND sends the documents to the Committee Members one month before the meeting.
- The Committee meets, discusses the evaluation reports and selects the winners from the top five projects in each category,
- The Committee also selects Prize subject for the subsequent year.
- The Prize may be withheld if the nominated projects have not fulfilled its award conditions or in case the Prize Committee decided, based on the evaluation results or the evaluators’ recommendations, that these projects, all or some of them are not of a standard sufficient to qualify them to win the Prize.
- AGFUND formally announces the winners and the new subject of the prize through local and international media.

The Award Ceremony
- The prizes are handed over to the winners in an annual ceremony usually organized in the month of October of the following year.
- AGFUND holds an annual symposium (AGFUND Form), in conjunction with award ceremony, to highlight AGFUND’s efforts in supporting the global endeavors to achieving the SDGs 2030.

Dissemination and scaling-up
- Each winner will be asked to sign a Letter of Intent, prepared by AGFUND in coordination with the winners.
- The aim of the Letter of Intent is to ensure the use of the proceeds of the Prize in financing the expansion, sustainability and/or replication of the project and dissemination and exchange of the successful experiences as well.