AGFUND Microfinance Unit (AMU)

The Mission of this Unit is to build the capacity of MFIs in the region, specifically Microfinance Banks.
In order to benefit from the experience of AGFUND’s First Bank which was established in Jordan and to accelerate the process of establishing new banks and putting them on the right track from the beginning, AGFUND was encouraged to create such unit. The rationale behind establishing this unit is to play a crucial and major role in providing technical assistance and capacity building to the newly created banks.
The Mission of this Unit is to build the capacity of MFIs in the region, specifically microfinance Banks. Additionally, the units will provide the local and regional experiences, both in knowledge and in practice, which use best practice in microfinance to reach and support the largest possible number of micro and small entrepreneurs in the LDCs.
The Unit provides management services, technical assistance, and support to the Banks, using the systems and manuals used in previous banks after adopting it to suit the business environment where the new bank is customizing the main focus of the unit is as follows:

The Unit provides services using a combination of the following approaches:
- Arranging with consultants to work with the new bank on certain issues to deliver a specific output like a certain manual or a business plan, as well as providing an on-job training for the new bank staff etc.
- Organizing exposure visits to existing banks.
- Sending trainers to conduct training courses to the new staff.