
Chaired by HRH Prince Abdul Aziz bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz, AGFUND’s Board approves financing 16 projects to support development and innovative initiatives
The Board of Directors of the Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) held its semi-annual meeting on Thursday 25th of January 2024, chaired by His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Aziz bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, Chairman of AGFUND’s Board of Directors.
At the meeting, the Board members reviewed AGFUND’s remarkable achievements marking the year 2023, including financial and technical reports, and a discussion of the projects proposed to AGFUND for the current cycle.
The Board commended AGFUND's participation in COP28 in Dubai, which included a series of panel discussions on crucial topics such as improving food security through smallholder farmers, clean energy, and the role of civil society in climate change. In addition to honoring the winning projects of the Prince Talal International Prize for Human Development 2022, focusing on “Decent Work and Economic Growth” aligning with Goal 8 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The meeting concluded by approving several development projects that met AGFUND’s mission for human development, especially in relation to its key focus areas: women’s empowerment, civil society development, open education, financial inclusion, and early childhood development. These projects, moreover, elevate human development for beneficiaries.
These projects include: “Arab Human Development Report” in Arab Countries, “Road to Riyadh: elevating land and drought issues on the global agenda in the lead up to UNCCD COP16” and “Training in Development” in many countries, “PROMISE - Promoting Nutrition-Sensitive and Climate Smart Agriculture Practices and empowering farmers as entrepreneurs” and “Accelerating the Clean Cooking Initiative” in Sierra Leone, “GreenFields: Transforming Small-Scale Agriculture” in Egypt and Sudan, “Improving Food Security and Incomes and reducing chronic malnutrition in Rhino Refugee Settlement and Host Communities” in Uganda and South Sudan, “Trade Enhancement in the Arab Region: Development of Strategic Crops Agribusiness and Value Chain” in Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Mauritania, “Supporting Capacity Building for the Arab Council for Childhood and Development for the year 2024” and “Media Observatory for Arab Child Rights: Child-friendly Media” and “Supporting Capacity Building For the Center of Arab Women for Training and Research “CAWTAR” for the year 2024”, and “Supporting Capacity Building For the Arab Network for Non-Governmental Organizations for the year 2024” and “Arab Climate Forum “Third Edition” Role of Civil society in facing the social and economic impacts of desertification in the Arab Region” in Arab Countries, “Capacity Building for the National Center for Autism” in Oman, “Digital Skills for Youth” in South Africa, “SAUT Vocational Training programme” in Saudi Arabia.
Notably, since its establishment, AGFUND has implemented 1,713 projects across 133 countries in collaboration with more than 450 development partners.