
AGFUND announces the winning development projects of its International Prize
(Fighting the phenomena of street children ) subject for AGFUND Prize 2013 The Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) announced the winning projects of its International Prize for Pioneering Development Projects for 2012 in the field of (Food security for the poor). The Prize Committee approved the winning projects in its 14th Meeting, which was held under the chairmanship of HRH Prince Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, AGFUND President, on Wednesday 27 February 2012, in Manila. The Committee also approved (Fighting the phenomena of street children and trumps through effective development programs ) as subject for AGFUND International Prize 2013. The AGFUND Prize amounts to US $ 500,000 distributed into 4 categories. The Prize Committee approved three winning projects from 53 projects from 37 countries in 4 continents. The First Category Prize (US$ 200,000) was won by Gambia is Good (GiG). This prize is allocated for projects implemented by UN, international and regional organizations in the field of supporting the developing countries’ national policies and programs for a sustainable food security. The project is implemented in Gambia by the Concern Universal (CU) organization. The Second Category Prize (US$ 150,000) was won by the Increased water harvesting project. This prize is allocated for projects implemented by NGOs in the field of developing the skills and capabilities of the poor for food security in the poor communities. The project is in India by the Development of Humane Action Foundation (DHAN). The Third Category Prize was (US$ 100,000) won by the Village Food Resilience Program. This prize is allocated for projects implemented by Government agencies in the field adoption of pioneering programs, polices and best practices to achieve food security for the poor. The project is in Indonesia by the National Agency for Food Security. The Prize Committee has decided to withhold the Fourth category prize for this year (US$ 50,000), which is allocated for projects by individuals. Due to the fact that the projects nominated for this category were not of standard sufficient to meet the Prize conditions and criteria. It is worth mentioning that the qualified nominated projects were evaluated by arbitrators who are experts in the Prize subjects for evaluation in accordance with the criteria specified in the Prize statute.The Prize Committee membership comprises a number of renowned world figures, namely: Mrs. Mercedes Menafrar De Batly, Former First Lady of Uruguay, President of Todos por Uruguay and Honorary President of a number of development and social organizations in Uruguay, Baroness Emma Nicholson of Winterbourne MP, Member of the British Parliament, Founder and Chairman of the AMAR International Charitable Foundation, Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali, President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, Professor Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank and Sharman, Yunus Centre, Dr. Y. Seyyid Abdulai, Former Director General of the OPEC Fund for International Development.